Where were you, HINDRAF?

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All in all, some 20,000 to 30,000 people participated in the anti-ISA rally last Saturday.

I did not join, because I am not by nature a street protester. But that doesn’t mean I don’t support the case or that I do not agree with demonstrations. It just means that personally prefer to not protest on the streets.

HINDRAF, however, has taken it to the streets before. That was in 2007. It lead to the detention of five HINDRAF leaders under the ISA.

Many demanded for their release, along with other ISA detainees. They fought HINDRAF’s cause to free its leaders.

Then our prime minister came to power and he released all HINDRAF detainees. The organization splintered into many different entities.

Yet none of them were present last Saturday.

Why? Civil society pressured so hard for the release of the HINDRAF five, now you’re going to abandon the cause because your leaders are free? Are you going to do an Ibrahim Ali in saying that the ISA is ‘needed’ even though your leaders have been detained under the law before?

What’s your stand on the ISA now, HINDRAF?

Protected: ISA, the tool of politicians

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Jangan main api, tau!


Saya menjangkakan bahawa saya akan ‘dikecam hebat’ selepas post ini.

Nampak gayanya, warga UiTM sudah marah pada Menteri Besar Selangor. Nampak gayanya, beribu turun ke Shah Alam nak protes cadangan Tan Sri MB untuk buka 10% pada bukan bumiputera. Nampak gayanya, Tan Sri MB patutpun digelar ‘pengkhianat bangsa’ sebab bagi cadangan yang bukan-bukan. Patut ke dia nak buka UiTM. Bukankah DPM dua tahun lepas dah cakap: U.I.T.M – Universiti Ini Tolong Melayu.

UiTM ‘last bastion‘ Melayulah, kata Naib Chanselor UiTM. Tak tahulah dia paham apa maksud ‘last bastion‘. Sebab bagi saya, ‘last bastion’ tu maksudnya kubu terakhir. Kira macam dalam peranglah. Naib Chanselor UiTM nak cakap yang kita berperang? Dengan siapa pula? Setahu saya, last kita perang adalah lawan komunis dulu.Tapi dia VC, mesti lagi pandai. Macam VC lagi satu dekat UUM, Nordin Kardi.

Orang Cina dengan India memang dah lama nak masuk UiTM ni. Berlumba-lumba nanti diorang masuk kalau kita bagi 10%. Mesti diorang tinggalkan Lim Kok Weng, HELP Institute, Sunway, Monash, UTAR nak masuk UiTM. Entah-entah diorang yang nak belajar overseas pun tak jadi sebab nak masuk.

Bengong lah Tan Sri MB ni. Pandai-pandai nak kacau UiTM. Itu hak Melayu, tahu tak? Macam Malaysia ni pun hak Melayu. Nama pun Tanah Melayu. Cuma Sabah dan Sarawak tak nama Tanah Melayu. Tapi ada Melayu juga. Hasil bumi kita ambil juga. Kira hak Melayu jugalah. Cuma nama tak Melayu.

Tak baca Artikel 153 Perlembagaan agaknya Tan Sri MB ni. Memanglah Perlembagaan tak cakap UiTM tu hak kena 100% bumiputera. Memanglah Perlembagaan tak cakap yang mana-mana universiti kena ada berapa peratus bumiputera. Memanglah Perlembagaan tak cakap cuma boleh beri biasiswa pada bumiputera sahaja.

Memanglah yang Perlembagaan cakap cuma mesti ada kuota untuk bumiputera.

Tapi bukan ke berjela-jela orang UMNO dah baca Perlembagaan tu. Mereka boleh nampak isi tersirat perlembagaan yang kita semua tak nampak. Mungkin isi tersirat tu hanya pejuang bangsa sahaja yang nampak agaknya. Dah tentulah pengkhianat bangsa macam Tan Sri MB tak nampak. Lagi pula si ejen Yahudi Anwar tu… lagilah tak nampak.

Orang Melayu mesti dilindungi. Kita ni lemah, bodoh, malas dan miskin. Tak percaya? Bukankah pejuang-pejuang kita dalam UMNO tu yang selalu cakap yang kita ni lemah, bodoh, malas dan miskin? Diorang nak protect kita lah, sebab kita lemah, bodoh, malas dan miskin.  Orang Melayu ni memang tak boleh berjaya langsung kalau tak dibantu. Nasib baik orang UMNO bantu kita.

Bila diorang dah bantu kita berulangkali, sekali-sekala bagilah diorang bantu kawan-kawan diorang juga kan? Keluarga diorang, saudara mara diorang, konco-konco diorang. Alah, bukan selalu. Sekali-sekala. Bukan banyak pun. Juta-juta sahaja. Tak sampai billion pun. Kira macam perhargaanlah untuk diorang sebab asyik bantu kita yang lemah, bodoh, malas dan miskin ni.

Baguslah budak-budak UiTM tu keluar protes. Bukan selalupun. Dah berpuluh tahun rasanya. Yelah, kan ada AUKU. Sekarang pun masih ada AUKU, tapi sebab nak protes pada pengkhianat bangsa, so kira OKlah. Budak-budak UiTM tu pun nak protes masa kerajaan naikkan harga minyak dulu, tapi ada exam. So tak bolehlah. Memanglah, sekali naik harga minyak lebih menjejaskan orang Melayu yang lemah, bodoh, malas dan miskin daripada sepuluh statement pengkhianat bangsa macam Tan Sri MB dan sepuluh lagi statement dari pelampau DAP dan HINDRAF (macam Khir Toyo cakap dalam blog). Tapi nak buat macam mana, masa tu exam. Lagipun yang naik harga minyak tu pejuang bangsa dalam UMNO, bukan pengkhianat macam PKR.

Rasanya patut bagi amaran kat Tan Sri MB dengan pengkhianat-pengkhianat lain dalam PKR dan penyokong diorang pelampau DAP dan HINDRAF dan kuda tunggangan PAS: jangan main isu perkauman tau! Isu ni sensitif!

Samy’s U-Turn

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It’s not a publicity stunt, he says. It’s all done in fairness and sympathy, he added. The 5 detained HINDRAF leaders should be freed from ISA, says MIC Chief Datuk Seri Samy Velu. Read the story here.

Seriously Mr. Samy, do you take us for fools? Did you not learn anything from your embarrassing defeat in Sungai Siput? We Malaysians do not forget as easily as your think. We still remember what you said before, during the whole HINDRAF episode and just before elections. In case you have forgotten, I urge your Mr. Samy to type your name on YouTube and see the amount drivel that you have spewed prior to this. And now we’re supposed to believe that you care for the detained HINDRAF leaders?

Stop becoming the laughing stock of the country, Mr. Samy. You have lost your right to speak for the Indians and you have no right to speak for Malaysians as a whole. If this is MIC’s re-branding, then I do not see much difference. Continue with this charade Mr. Samy, and I guarantee you that the MIC will be irrelevant in the future.

A defeat might not be permanent. People can come back after a setback, just ask Mr. Muhammad Taib. But for you Mr. Samy, I think it’s too late. Just enjoy your retirement fund and leave us in peace.

When UMNO (and associates) hold protests

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I believe in freedom of speech and the freedom to hold a peaceful assembly.

The organizers of the protests in Penang, Perak and recently Selangor have all the right to protest and air their grievances in a public assembly.  Personally, I think they’re made out of mostly UMNO members who can’t quite get it in their thick, chauvinistic heads that they’ve lost the support of the people, but that’s just my opinion. I respect their right to behave like sore losers.

But what I do not respect is the pin drop silence from UMNO leaders on these protests. I remember the widespread condemnation from the same leaders after the HINDRAF rally in Kuala Lumpur. The party’s official mouthpiece, Utusan Malaysia even coined the protesters as ‘pelampau Hindu‘ (Hindu extremists). But apart from the fact that the HINDRAF rally was bigger, the assemblies all have a common thread. They were intended to be peaceful (regardless of what you read in the mainstream media about the HINDRAF rally), they are about airing grieviences and they involve racial issues.

So why is one condemned and the others condoned?

At least the police’s stance has been consistent so far: no permit = illegal = FRU deployed = maybe ISA.

Protected: The Indian ‘Charm Offensive’, part II

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